
兰德尔·霍顿博士.D. 图像

College of Arts and 科学

Dr. Horton will be on sabbatical during the Fall 2024 semester.

Ph.D., English/Creative Writing, SUNY Albany

M.F.A., Poetry, Chicago State University

B.A., English, University of the District of Columbia


兰德尔·霍顿是格温多林·布鲁克斯诗歌奖的获得者, the Bea Gonzalez Poetry Award, 五大湖学院协会创意非虚构类新作家奖(虎克:回忆录) and a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship in Literature. 在2018-2019年博士. 霍顿被选为华盛顿特区民权团的驻地诗人, 是一个致力于挑战美国司法系统不公正的非盈利组织. 他是实验表演团体Heroes Are Gang Leaders的成员,该团体最近获得了2018年美国口头文学图书奖及其音乐项目, 巴拉卡会议, was named best vocal jazz album by NPR in 2019. 2020年博士. 霍顿获得了“回国权”奖学金,以创造性地解决大规模监禁和种族正义问题,同时推动变革运动. His latest collection of poetry {# 289 - 128}:诗 由肯塔基大学出版(2020年),并获得了2021年美国图书奖. 重量: A Memoir in Essays was published in 2022 by Northwestern University Press.


重量: A Memoir in Essays (2月. 15, 2022)

{# 289 - 128}:诗 (University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & 散文系列,九月. 8, 2020)

(2月. 1, 2018)

Pitch Dark Anarchy (Triquarterly/Northwestern University Press, Feb. 2, 2013)

Roxbury (Nonfiction, Kattywompus Press, Spring, 2012).

《网赌上分平台》,1954年,《网赌上分平台》 & 文学(2013年春季)

“构造顿悟," "Because a Bicycle Symphonizes Freedom," "Aesthetic Freedom as Phenomena," and "Flame Eternal: Echoes of 1822." Black Cinema (University of Indiana, Spring 2013)

The Lingua Franca of Ninth Street (Main Street Rag, 2009)

The Definition of Place (Main Street Rag, 2006)

  • ENGL 2217 African-American Literature I
  • ENGL 2218 African-American Literature II
  • ENGL 2267 Creative Writing I
  • ENGL 2268 Creative Writing II
  • ENGL 4481 Special Topics: Prison Literature
  • ENGL 4491 Special Topics: Advanced Poetry Workshop



Cardinal Points: Poet educates community

兰德尔·霍顿, 英语教授, combined a reading from his new book, “死重量,以及他与新乐队“Radical Reversal”的首次演出,作为纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校特别演出的一部分.